New for version 2, PanShaper now runs inside Cableguys’ exclusive new ShaperBox creative effects rack. You can use PanShaper on its own, or stack it up with other Cableguys Shapers to create elaborate, multilayered effects for your productions. With six powerful Cableguys effects – TimeShaper 2, CrushShaper, VolumeShaper 6, FilterShaper Core 2, PanShaper 3 & WidthShaper 2 – ShaperBox 2 creates musical, rhythmic effects and helps solve complex mix problems. Load any Shaper effect and simply draw the modulation shapes you need with Cableguys' easily editable LFOs. With six powerful Cableguys effects – TimeShaper 2, CrushShaper, VolumeShaper 6, FilterShaper Core 2, PanShaper 3 & WidthShaper 2 – ShaperBox 2 creates musical, rhythmic effects and helps solve complex mix problems. Load any Shaper effect and simply draw the modulation shapes you need with Cableguys' easily editable LFOs. ShaperBox contains TimeShaper 2 (a plugin for time-based effects), CrushShaper (a bitcrusher), FilterShaper Core 2 (a versatile filter plugin), PanShaper 3 (an autopanner), WidthShaper 2 (a stereo. Oct 18, 2020 With five powerful Cableguys effects – TimeShaper 2, VolumeShaper 6, FilterShaper Core 2, PanShaper 3 and WidthShaper 2 – ShaperBox 2 creates amazing musical, rhythmic effects and helps solve complex mixing problems. Explore over 1,000 professional presets and share patches through the Cableguys cloud.
Volume Shaper Plugin
Timeshaper is one of the Cards available to Torvald in Paladins.
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Cableguys Timeshaper 2

Torvald's Cards |
Arcane Etching • Conduction • Eldritch Speed • Glyph of Freedom • Glyph of Health • Glyph of Siphoning • Glyph of the Fist • Hearthwarder • Induction • Infusion • Lifegiver • Rune Torrent • Scribe's Wit • Timeshaper • Vital Grasp • Winddancer |